Category: Local / Living

Carl Sagan on Being Bamboozled

Kellogg Strike

“For more than a year throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Kellogg workers around the country have been working long, hard hours, day in and day out, to produce Kellogg ready-to-eat cereals for American families,” said Anthony Shelton, president of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union.
“Kellogg’s response to these loyal, hardworking employees has been to demand these workers give up quality health care, retirement benefits, and holiday and vacation pay. The company continues to threaten to send additional jobs to Mexico if workers do not accept outrageous proposals that take away protections that workers have had for decades,” Shelton said.


Police Arrest Elementary School Girls in Tennessee

Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge.
Judge Donna Scott Davenport oversees a juvenile justice system in Rutherford County, Tennessee, with a staggering history of jailing children. She said kids must face consequences, which rarely seem to apply to her or the other adults in charge.
by Meribah Knight, Nashville Public Radio, and Ken Armstrong, ProPublica

Gestalt Prayer

I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.

The “Gestalt prayer” is a 56-word statement by psychotherapist Fritz Perls that is taken as a classic expression of Gestalt therapy as a way of life model of which Dr. Perls was a founder.

The key idea of the statement is the focus on living in response to one’s own needs, without projecting onto or taking introjects from others. It also expresses the idea that it is by fulfilling their own needs that people can help others do the same and create space for genuine contact; that is, when they “find each other, it’s beautiful.”

Small Town Scandals

What was the biggest scandal in your small town? from AskReddit

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DARE officer selling drugs that were evidence.

My fifth grade DARE officer hit on me at a high school football game while I was still in high school and while we was on duty. I’d smoked and drank to pregame right before too. While flirting he asked if his DARE education worked. Buddy NO. On all counts.

We had a US Marshal come to health class my sophomore year of high school. He gave us Starbursts when we got questions right. It was awesome!

Mayor and several city councillors were taking kickbacks and bribes from demolition/construction/cleaning companies for clean up contracts after a hurricane, funded by FEMA.

The companies would give the mayor and city councillors like a couple grand, then the company would get FEMA funds in the tens of thousands to clean up/destroy a hurricane damaged property, only the address given to FEMA and listed on the contract were fake, or already cleared, so the companies got paid to do nothing.

College professor was found tied to a tree and burned months after he disappeared. Police ruled it a suicide

Our english teacher *raped half the boys track team in high school… AND slept with the vice principal… AND the gym teacher.

Everybody knew about it and we were all fairly certain one of the kids was the actual father of her kid, not her husband.

When I came home and told my dad that a teacher had been arrested for sleeping with students, he responded:

“So they finally caught up with Marcie? Two of my apprentices have her nudes and keep showing the rest of us when we’re trying to work.”

I don’t miss my hometown, lol.

Probably the Brown’s Chicken Massacre, where 7 people were murdered at the restaurant over a robbery. Case was cold for 9 years until the girlfriend on one of the murderers went to the police that he had confessed to her. He and his friend were eventually convicted through DNA and a confession.

There was an anesthetist, who worked at our local hospital and another hospital in a different town. He was rather well known among other doctors and known to be good at what he was doing. He only had a small problem with being addicted to pain killers and anaesthetics.

So to feed his addiction without getting caught he shot up part of his patients’ drugs before injecting the same needle into his patient.

Thus went unnoticed until it was discovered that over 60 of his patients got infected with hepatitis. And that he was the source for it.

He was fired and his license revoked as far as I know. But the hospital’s image still suffered quite a bit.

Nabisco Strike Ends

A weekslong strike by Nabisco employees in five states ended on Saturday, as their union announced that its members had overwhelmingly approved a four-year contract with the parent company of the maker of Oreos, Ritz Crackers and other snacks.

The employees are members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, which had clashed with Nabisco’s owner, Mondelez International, over proposed changes to shift lengths and overtime rules.

Nabisco Workers End Weekslong Strike After Reaching New Contract
The impasse began in August after members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union objected to changes in shift lengths and overtime rules.
Neil Vigdor