Many a True Word is Spoken in Jest – Example of

The Seven Five (2014) Police Corruption in New York’s 75th Precinct from Documentaries

I let a friend stay at my place for a while, and he was always the funniest person. He’d joke about stabbing me sometimes (sounds weird, but it was always in jest).

A couple years ago he got locked up for murder on a DNA match, for a crime he committed just before living at my place, where he stabbed a guy to death. He basically used my place to lie low, and joked about it openly to our clueless asses.

Wow… were there any close calls or anything worth mentioning that stood out after you found out he was a murderer?

Not with me but my best friend definitely almost got stabbed, in hindsight. They got into a really heated debate about something, and my friend is a super hot-headed Italian. They basically came close to fighting and the stabby dude kept telling him “I’ll shank you” when they were face to face.

Nobody at the time thought it was anything but a bullshit threat that didn’t mean anything. Turns out he meant it all along!