Calendar of Wisdom, Tolstoy – August 11

A person dies as he lives his spiritual life, alone.

What you do, you possess. You must believe that eternal goodness exists that is within you, and that it grows and develops as long as you live. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON

You alone plan to commit a sin, you alone plan to do evil; and you alone can escape sin and purify your thoughts. Only your inner self can damn you, and only your inner self can save you. —DHAMMAPADA, a book of BUDDHIST WISDOM

A person may ask God or other people for help, but only his good life can help him, and this he must do on his own. Every person has a depth to his inner life, an essence that cannot be explained. Sometimes you want to explain this essence to people, but you will see that it isn’t possible to explain it to another person so that he understands. Hence the need for your own channel of communication with God. Establish this channel and do not seek anything else.

Tolstoy, Leo. A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul